Terms of Sale

These General Conditions of Use determine the rules of access to the Site www.laboludic.com (hereinafter “the Site”). By browsing this Site, you acknowledge, as a user, that you are aware of the terms, accept them without reservation and comply with them.

1 - Personal data

a – Collection and use of your personal data

The BAYARD GROUP, to which BAYARD EDITIONS belongs, complies with the “Informatique et Libertés” law n°78 of January 6, 1978 as amended, as well as Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.

As a Data Controller within the meaning of the “Informatique et Libertés” law, the BAYARD GROUP is responsible for the personal data it collects.

In accordance with the provisions of the “Informatique et Libertés” law, you are informed that GROUPE BAYARD carries out automated processing of your personal data, in particular when you connect to our Site or in the context of online forms. completed by you.

On this occasion, you may be offered to receive commercial offers from GROUPE BAYARD, or from its partners. In accordance with the law for “Confidence in the digital economy” n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004, you must clearly express your consent by checking a box which confirms your agreement.

The personal data collected on the Site are intended for GROUPE BAYARD and its subsidiaries. Your personal data may be transmitted to third parties when you have given your prior consent for the sharing and/or disclosure of personal data, including through the functionalities offered by the Site.

In accordance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions, the processing of your data may give rise to the exercise of a right of access, a right of rectification, a right of limitation, a right of portability, a right of erasure as well as a right of opposition for legitimate reasons, to BAYARD publisher of said Site by sending a letter to the following address: dpo@groupebayard.com

For more information please see la politique de confidentialité of the BAYARD GROUP.

b – Implementation of “Cookies”

What are cookies " ?

A cookie is a text file that records information relating to your internet browsing. This file placed during a consultation, by the server site, on the user's hard drive, cannot contain viruses or be executed. It is not active. In addition, you can read it, destroy it or modify it. A cookie cannot be used to retrieve personal data from your hard drive, read your email address or obtain personal information.

Why “Cookies”?

In accordance with the Order of August 24, 2011 relating to the application of European directives regarding the protection of privacy on the Internet, a cookie cannot be installed (except in legal exceptions) on your computer without your prior consent. The BAYARD Group is therefore obliged to first request your consent, which is valid for a maximum of 13 months. However, certain cookies are exempt from the collection of this consent:

• If the sole purpose of this cookie is to enable or facilitate communication by electronic means;

• If the cookie is strictly necessary for the provision of an online communication service at the express request of the user.

Configuring your browser

In accordance with the Order of August 24, 2011 relating to the application of European directives regarding the protection of privacy on the Internet, a cookie cannot be installed on your mobile without your prior consent.

In this context, we inform you that you can configure your browser to refuse the implementation of cookies.

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your preferences in terms of cookies.

Express your choices online with inter-professional platforms to refuse only advertising cookies

The “Youronlinechoices” Platform, offered by digital advertising professionals grouped within the European association EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France, offers you the possibility of refusing or accept Cookies used by its member companies to adapt the advertisements that may be displayed on your terminal to your browsing information: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/controler-ses-cookies/.

Please note, your choice will not prevent the display of advertisements but will block technologies that allow advertisements to be adapted to your interests.

Express your choices to the BAYARD Group

When you connect to our sites, and we have not accepted the deposit of cookies in the 13 months preceding your visit, a banner appears and asks you for your agreement to the deposit of cookies. With your express consent, cookies are placed to allow optimal access to the site. For example, cookies allow you to be identified and access your customer account. Please note, however, that whether you have accepted or refused the deposit of cookies, your choice can only be recorded on the condition that you use the same browser and that you have not deleted your browsing history in the meantime.

! Warning ! Third-party cookies

We draw your attention to the fact that we are not responsible for the implementation by the social network(s) to which you belong of third-party cookies on your computer. Social networks may indeed place a cookie on your computer, which allows your identification, particularly when you use a functionality allowing you to give your opinion on content or a publication. Our Site includes applications linked to different social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Viadeo, etc.) called “social plugins” which allow us in particular to offer you content recommendations. When you select a page of our Site containing one of these plugins, your browser establishes a direct connection to the servers of the social network concerned. The content of the plugin will be directly transmitted to your browser by said social network and integrated into the Site. To find out the purpose and scope of data collection, processing and use of data by the social network(s) to which you belong , as well as your rights and possibilities to modify the parameters for the protection of your privacy, please consult the General Conditions of Use of the social network concerned. If you do not want a social network to collect data about you on our Site, log out of that social network before visiting it.

For more information please see la politique de confidentialité of the BAYARD GROUP.

2 - Intellectual property rights

2.1. User license

The structure of the Site as well as all the content published on the Site are protected by legislation relating to intellectual property.

The photographs, illustrations, drawings or any other graphics, documents, signs, signals, writings, images, sounds or messages of any nature appearing on the Site (hereinafter “the Contents”) cannot be the subject of any reproduction or representation without the express prior written authorization of BAYARD EDITIONS.

Access to the Site gives you a right of private, non-collective and non-exclusive use of the content of said Site. Any networking or rebroadcasting in any form is prohibited.

The right to reproduce is strictly understood only for the purposes of representation necessary for your private use. If you wish to make commercial use of the information appearing on this site, you must request express consent from us. To do this, you can contact us via the email address: contact@laboludic.com.

All materials published on the Site, including without limitation texts, photographs, infographics, icons, multimedia and audiovisual files (hereinafter “the Materials”), constitute works within the meaning of the provisions of Article L112-1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. Consequently, any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, which could be made without the consent of their authors or their beneficiaries, is unlawful. You may therefore not modify, copy, transmit by e-mail or in any other way, transfer, download, display and, in general, exploit these Materials.

You therefore undertake to:

– only download the Materials to your computer for private and limited-time use;

– print downloaded Materials on paper only on the condition that said copies are strictly limited to private use;

– not reproduce the digital version of the Materials for press review purposes;

– not alter, modify, move, remove or replace the editorial content (text and/or reproduction) of the Materials and/or the name LABOLUDIC and/or the name of BAYARD EDITIONS and/or the authors of the Materials or their assigns- rights and/or any other information relating to the rights of BAYARD EDITIONS and/or the authors of the Materials or their beneficiaries.

We remind you that the violation of one of the copyrights of the publisher or authors of this Site constitutes an offense of counterfeiting punishable in France by article L335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code and punishable by three years of imprisonment and a fine of 300 euros.

BAYARD EDITIONS reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without prior information, to modify, delete or add mentions to the “General Conditions of Use” of the Site, at any time in particular in order to take into account any legal developments, jurisprudential, editorial and/or technical. The version that prevails is the one that is accessible online. You are therefore advised to regularly refer to the latest version of these General Conditions of Use.

BAYARD EDITIONS also reserves the right to modify the characteristics or content of the Site. It may also restrict access to the Site to certain sections without prior warning.

BAYARD EDITIONS may at its sole discretion suspend, interrupt or stop access to all or part of the Site for any reason whatsoever, including in particular non-compliance with the “General Conditions of Use” of the Site. It does not guarantee that the Site is error-free or that all imperfections will be corrected.

2.2. Text mining

BAYARD EDITIONS opposes all harvesting and searching of texts and data within the meaning of article L. 122-5-3 of the intellectual property code.

This opposition covers the entire Site and the Content to which it provides access.

All harvesting and text and data mining operations targeting the Site and its Content, including by automated data collection devices, therefore constitute acts of counterfeiting unless specific, prior, written and formally expressed agreement is obtained from BAYARD EDITIONS.

Article R. 122-28 of the Intellectual Property Code specifies that the opposition mentioned in III of Article L. 122-5-3 may be expressed by any means, including by recourse to general conditions of the use of a website or a service, the absence of metadata associated with the Site, Site directories, Site Content has no impact on the exercise of the right of opposition expressed by these general conditions of use .

To facilitate the reading of this right of opposition by any automated data collection device, this opposition is also expressed as follows < TDM-RESERVATION: 1>.

BAYARD EDITIONS reserves the right to take any action or claim necessary to prevent, put an end to and sanction any non-compliance with the aforementioned stipulations, including in the context of legal proceedings, without prior notice. .

3 - Limitation of liability

You are solely responsible for damages, direct or indirect, material or immaterial as long as they have as their cause, basis or origin use of the Site by you or by any person authorized by you to use this Site. By use, we mean any use of the Site whatever it may be, fraudulent or non-fraudulent.

As such, you waive any claim or legal action relating to such damages, on the basis of the contractual liability of BAYARD EDITIONS in its capacity as publisher of this Site or on any other basis.

Minors are allowed to register for a certain number of services offered on the Site, on the express condition that they have previously obtained authorization to do so from their parents (or the person exercising parental authority) and to provide information and email addresses to which any communication can be sent to them. The fact that they register implies that they have obtained this prior authorization. BAYARD EDITIONS reserves the right to request written justification at any time, and to carry out all verifications, as well as to delete any personal account whose minor holder does not provide said justification within five (5) days to from the request, or within any other time limit allocated to it. BAYARD EDITIONS will immediately delete any personal account, upon receipt of a parental request to close the personal account and delete the related content.

BAYARD EDITIONS warns persons with parental authority about the diversity and nature of the content available on the Internet, which may be likely to harm minors. Parents are therefore encouraged to supervise their children when they go online.

Parents and any person exercising parental authority are also reminded that it is up to them, on the one hand, to determine which services accessible on the Site their minor child is authorized to use and, on the other hand, to monitor his use of these services.

Hypertext links may refer to sites other than the Site. By clicking on these links, you leave the Site and thus land on sites over which BAYARD EDITIONS exercises no control. Consequently, the latter disclaims all liability in the event that the content of these sites contravenes the legal and regulatory provisions in force.

In addition, please note that no hypertext link may return to the Site without the prior and express authorization of the Site editor. In the absence of authorization, such a link is considered to constitute the offense of counterfeiting, an offense for which the penalties have already been recalled above.

BAYARD EDITIONS undertakes to make its best efforts to secure access, consultation and use of the Materials in accordance with the rules of Internet use. Access to the Site is possible twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (24) days a week (7) except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond the control of BAYARD EDITIONS and under reserves the right to possible breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and the Materials, which may be carried out without prior notice to you.

Consequently, BAYARD EDITIONS cannot be held liable in the following cases:

– Momentary interruptions lasting a few minutes for updating certain files;

– Operating difficulties or temporary interruption of these services regardless of the will of BAYARD EDITIONS, particularly in the event of interruption of electricity or telecommunications services;

– Temporary interruptions of services necessary for their development or maintenance;

– Failure or malfunctions of the Internet network in the transmission of messages or documents;

You declare that you accept the characteristics and limits of the Internet, and in particular recognize;

– that you are aware of the nature of the Internet, in particular its technical performance and response times for consulting, querying or transferring information/data;

– that the communication of your possible access codes and specifically your username and password or generally any information deemed confidential is done under your own responsibility;

– that it is your responsibility to take all necessary measures to ensure that the technical characteristics of your computer allow you to consult the Site;

– that it is your responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect your own data and/or software from contamination by possible viruses circulating through the Site;

– it is specified that downloading the Materials implies unreserved acceptance of said Materials and these General Conditions of Use.

4 - Application of French law

The Internet being by nature a global network, but this Site being intended for a French public, the rules applicable to all content and all data transmissions on and around the Site are determined by French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.