Ben Newman

Ben Newman has developed a distinct aesthetic over the years; a contemporary fusion of bold shapes, bright colors and playful characters that has been described as “fuzzy Bauhaus felt”. He has produced work for a wide range of clients including Tate Modern, The New York Times, BBC Radio 4, Apple, Google and The New Yorker. His practice extends beyond commercial work into global exhibitions, paintings and three-dimensional collaborations.

Ben co-created the Professor Astro Cat children's books with his long-time friend and scientist Dr. Dominic Walliman, which have been translated into 24 other languages.

Alongside his work as a freelance illustrator, Newman lectures on illustration at various universities and conferences in the UK and Europe.

Ben is used to drawing insects because his son is a big fan of these little people. When we asked him if he would be up for illustrating the Micronimo game, he was immediately enthusiastic, and so were we!

We love its clear, clean and precise lines and its art of symmetry which organizes all the elements in a very precise order. We also love its talented coloring. Ben also created the box and the Micronimo logo. In short, he's a complete designer!