Eric Plotton

I was born in Roanne in 1973. I always loved playing board games as a child and video games as a teenager. At that time, I was also starting to create very basic video games, mixing basic graphics and 4 colors at best. I copied programs to understand the language, then I invented some.

Once I finished my baccalaureate, I studied mathematics. By choice of course, but also because my school record did not allow me much else. Since then, I have been part of a software development team, a fairly logical continuation of my studies.

Board games, which had somewhat disappeared from my life, returned when I had children, for moments of sharing with family. If at the start, my victories were overwhelming (and celebrated as they should be) against very young people, the backlash is now proportional against opponents who are now older. This observation is unfortunately true in other areas, such as sport for example.

The desire to create board games came during this period. I don't really know why, probably something ingrained in me since I was already programming games as a teenager. Now, Saturday mornings with friends are about sharing ideas and testing prototypes in all directions. “Bangkok” is the 3rd published game in which I participated, after “Apocalypse at the Carson City Zoo – Linda’s Extensions” and “Cheese rescue”.